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Experienced Personal Business Consulting

Helping you design success!

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About Us

WH Partners was found by Rachel Witkowski and André Hansen. They both have solid professional experience in logistics, administration and management of complex projects, mainly in hostile environments.


They have worked for over 20 years in international public organizations serving different clients, and have proven their self's in leadership positions in the commercial world supporting international organizations, governments and industry business leaders. WHP provides reliable, high-quality services while providing significant savings for our customers.


Our team of professionals are passionate about serving our customers, providing them with the most effective and efficient solution, which very often means for customers working together with partners, who have the same or very similar needs. This allows for economies of scale while maintaining full control of one's own priorities.


Our experience helps you find tailor-made solutions to your challenge, from strategy and concept through to implementation and day-to-day monitoring.

Business Conference

Andre Hansen


• DEU Bundeswehr - Engineer Officer


• Senior Logistics Officer at NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) - Development, implementation and management of multi-service consolidated logistics solutions for multinational forces in war or military operations. peacetime


• Managing Director / COO - (Germany - United Arab Emirates) Logistics company with 12,000 employees / 150+ projects worldwide (government, international organizations and large companies as clients)


• Director of a company in Luxembourg - Responsible for the preanalytical scope of the Large Scale Testing (LST) project, in close collaboration with a Luxembourg laboratory, the health authorities of the Luxembourg government, hospitals  as well as the suppliers concerned.


• Co-founder of WH Partners (WHP) 

Andre Hansen

Rachel Witkowski


• Stakeholder Budget Manager NATO Agency - NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)


• International Contracts Manager liaising and coordinating closely with various Department of Defense and global aviation industry (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) customers and vendors


• Public procurement - Receipt of calls for tenders, their analysis and implementation / management of the contract based on NATO procurement rules


• Recruitment, management, training and planning of human resources to meet the needs of various pre-analytical (LST 1-3) and analytical missions 


• Co-founder of WH Partners (WHP)


Rachel Witkowski

Our Services

Working With the Best Clients and Partners

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• Operation and management of LR Drive-Ins
• Consulting and quality management on government medical projects
• Implementation of cross-functional projects of innovative services
• Establishment of cooperation between commercial entities
• Representation of international companies at LUX

It is essential to position yourself well and to stand out with different and tailor-made services, this to differentiate yourself on the market and your industry.


WH Partners is proud to announce that it has been allowed to apply the "Made in Luxembourg" label for its activity in Luxembourg, being close to its customers, underlining its profound knowledge of local best practices and regulations, respecting local values and traditions whilst being innovative and future oriented.


The label “Made in Luxembourg” can be considered as an additional promotional tool for Luxembourg companies wishing to distinguish their products and services, by emphasizing their Luxembourg origin.


To obtain this Luxembourgish label, it is necessary to follow defined proceedings , fulfill set criteria which will be thereafter evaluated by the Chamber of Commerce.


WH Partners considers the “Made in Luxembourg” label being an important factor which symbolizes trust, loyalty, know-how and we are proud to be a part of it.

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G.D.Luxembourg21, Op der Haard; L-6917 Roodt sur Syre

+352 621 717 612

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Rachel Witkowski

Phone: +352 621 717 612

  • LinkedIn
+352 621 717 612 

G.D.Luxembourg 21, Op der Haard; L-6917 Roodt sur Syre


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